Friday, April 10, 2020

Avoid Mistakes in Sports Jerseys

Every team intends to make a mark on the field, with their performance, of course and also appearance. Compromise on both fronts is not affordable.

So, while players focus on enhancing their performance, coaches must also avoid the common mistakes made while designing soccer team jerseys.

List of Mistakes

Here’s a list of these:

  • Purchasing free size jerseys believing that all players will fit into it is one of the biggest mistakes. As the build, height and personality of each player varies from the others, the sizes must be chosen accordingly. For, a good fit not only looks good, but is also comfortable.
  • Getting too ambitious with designing is not advisable. Too much text on the jersey is mostly not readable to the audience. Small, bold and readable is appreciable.
  • Too many colors fail to create the required impression. Moreover, it looks gaudy and less attractive. Ideally, more than two to three colors must not be used in sports uniforms. It is equally important to ensure that the background of the jersey is light and the text color is bold in a way that does not get merged with the background color. For instance: Brown text on a navy blue jersey would hardly be visible. Choosing colors carefully is imperative.
  • Typos and spelling errors can be costly, as the entire bunch of jerseys become useless. What’s more, wearing them to avoid losses can take a toll on the team’s reputation.
  • An image that looks good on the mobile screen may not appear as good on the jersey. Small images, when blown up get pixilated and ruin the quality. It is important to maintain the quality of the image printed on the sports jersey.
Sports Team US offers multiple options for jerseys appropriate for almost all sports. What’s more, they can be customized in tune with the client’s individual and unique requirements. So, while keeping the above points in mind, coaches can get the best sports uniforms at Sports Team US
For further details, contact them at

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